Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Babysitter help during Dec 10-20

We'll be at VLE December 10-20 and if any VLE owner has a teenage son or daughter that can help babysit our five year old, please let us know. Maybe a couple of evenings and also during the HOA reception/meeting.


Evan and Patti
Unit 1707
541-317-0935 (Oregon)


Blogs from Owen Perry and Home Owners

Owen Perry said...
Hello,We have worked hard to crerate a one of a kind product in Villa La Estancia. We have been very proud of the success of this project. One of the last items we wanted to accomplish was a well organized owners acssociation. There are a small group of owners who are misrepresenting us and our efforts. We are accused of dishonesty and manilupition. Last year, we recieved not one comment on the owners meeting before we started and we were consfused with the proplems of some owners who never had complained before.We have decided that this meeting is not going to be any different, even thought we have met several times with this owners group to listen to their comments and we want to do what is best for the association. We agreed to leave the board at the end of this year, however, due to this enviroment we are leaving this year. When the atmosphere is condusive to constructive engagement to those who are truly concerned we will sit down and figure out what needs to be done.I explained to this owners group that my wife is pregnant and has a doctors appointment in San Diego the first week of December and I ask to change the date to the 13th, everyone there agreed but now this decision seems to be twisted in a negative way.We will cancel the other items we had on the agenda and just call the meeting to order and leave the owners, and this small group of owners who want to bring attorneys to the meeting, to figure what they want from us.Owen Perry
11:59 AM
Mike Mizenko said...
I recently received this unsolicited email from Mr. Perry. I post it only to contrast the message above:"From: Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 1:57 PMSubject: MeetingHello,We are starting to believe that we are on different planets. We created this project and made it a reality, it is one of the most successful projects in Mexico. If this is the future of the project then I think I am going to sell my condo now before it turns into a disaster. If the meeting is going to be like last year then I will no go and you can run the meeting and who ever is elected can meet with us to decide what the next year will be. I think this will be the best, we will not sit there and be yelled at or accused of the plots you guys are promoting.The meeting is about how to organize the association for the future, if you do not want us to participate then we will not.The are many false statements in your e-mail and I do not care to respond. If we are attacked, we will defend ourselves, it takes no effort to hire attorneys, and after 25 years in Mexico we know how this is done. It will be a shame to get attorneys involved, I can assure you that we have a very legal structure. We are trying to use our experience to the benefit of this project, we are interested in working with all of your to advance the final phase of this project, which is a well organized association.You can change the budget if you desire, however we will not be there at the end of the year to take care of any short falls, this will be your responsibility we have over 20 years in creating these budgets.We are moving on to our new projects, good luck with your meeting, let us know what we can do.Owen Perry"That says it all.
9:13 AM
Owen Perry said...
7:56 AM
Owen Perry said...
This e-mail was in responce to one that was forwarded to me by an owner. I met with John Machado and Martin Blade 2 times this year. We reviewed every item on the budget and all other issues. Mr Machado said his attorney in Cabo said our structure for the association was not legal under Mexican law. We are a 20 year old company in Mexico and our attorneys said we are fine. I do not know which part they deem as illegal since they diod not provide us any information.
8:01 AM
Owen Perry said...
-mail that I was sent by this owner made me very sad as to where we are at. We have tried to work with any one who wants to be involved in the association. I thought after the leats meeting with Machado and hos group, we were going to have a good and productive meeting. I have been doing home owner meeting for 20 years and last year at the VLE meeting was absolutly my worst experience. We told this group that they can have 2 of the 3 board seats this year and they could have the President position next year, they agreed to this.
8:04 AM
Owen Perry said...
s shocked to read their e-mail to their owners to say that we refused to coorperate with them and they were going to "fight" with attorneys at thsi meeting. I would rather not go that to experience another meeting like last year.We are a professional company with 20 years of success, we are very confused with the motivation of John Machado and his group, can some one tell us what they want? Owen Perry
8:07 AM
Owen Perry said...
To Mr Mizenko. I reviewed who I sent my e-mail responce to the Machado owners alert, I did not send you this responce, they must be sending it around to the owners they have e-mail addresses to.You need to understand the effort we have make to this year so a productive annual meeting. We do not gain anything from "fighting". Owen Perry
8:53 AM
Mike Mizenko said...
Dear Mr. Perry,You did, in fact, send me the message that I posted. The email address I use does not have my name in it, but rest assured that I did receive the message directly from you.
12:18 PM
Martin Blade said...
What we want is the following:1. We want the Villa Group to manage VLE taking its' direction from the HOA BOD.2. We want the HOA BOD to be comprised of independent homeowners.3. We want the HOA Rules and Regulations to be legal in accordance with Mexican Law.That's it, it's just that simple.Anyone with questions or concerns can call me at (805) 482-9215 or (805)889-6630 until 12/3/06 then I'll be in Cabo until 12/14/2006 in Villa 1302. Or you can email me at
1:42 PM
Owen Perry said...
Hello, Martin, when have you explained this to us? The first meeting we ever had was in San Diego in October.This is the drama thatwe do not understand. No one has given us a legal document that explaines what is not legal?? These bylaws were done before any one purshased and were never modified since then. You and Machado know how they were when you purshased. How should we respond to this? I am personally upset at this situation and I wish to get out of this as soon as possible. My e mail is if any one needs more information. Owen Perry
2:03 PM

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Villa Needed - March 16-23, 2007

We own villa 2604 and are looking for either a second (2BR) or larger (3BR or penthouse) villa for the week of 3/16-3/23/07 (Fri/Fri). We are open to trading weeks or renting. If we opt for a second villa, one close to ours would be ideal. However, we are open to consideration of other buildings/floors. Also, does anyone know who owns villa 2801? Thanks!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Introductory Editorial

I’ve never met a Villa La Estancia homeowner who feels the homeowners, as a community, communicate with each other enough. So, I thought I’d try a little newsletter like this one. I spent about 5 seconds thinking what to call it, and settled on the VLE Owners Newsletter.

My intent is to use this to communicate NEWS about our property. It is not an organ for the resort, the development company, or for any group of homeowners. The items in this first edition were collected mostly during my recent stay at the resort, and I don’t know where I’ll get future reports. Probably I’ll rely on you fellow homeowners to give me material. It’s certainly welcome.

I’ve never been a reporter before, and I’m not sure how to do it. One thing we expect from reporters is that they check their facts. Ha! Try that at VLE! Or, for that matter, anywhere else in Mexico! I’m sure you’ve noticed that you get a different answer from every person you ask. I’ve decided just not to worry too much about that. I’ll try to avoid blatant rumors, but there will be no warranty behind the news. In fact, I have a plan for how to deal with that: every story will also be posted on the homeowners’ blog at Any reader who wants to comment on a story, correct it, disagree with it, etc., can simply post a comment on the blog.

The Newsletter will be e-mailed (in PDF form, unless there is a lot of clamor to the contrary) to those homeowners who have permitted their contact information to be entered in the Voluntary Owners Directory (VOD). If you wish to receive this, contact me to be sure you are in the VOD, else you will have to guess when it comes out and read it on the blog. If you’d like to unsubscribe, just let me know.

Here goes.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Annual Homeowners Meeting

The annual meeting has been set for Wed., Dec. 13, 2006. On Tuesday the 12th there will be an unofficial gathering of homeowners who happen to be at the resort, and on Tuesday evening there will be a cocktail reception at La Casona.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Hurricanes

Hurricane Paul fizzled out before it got to us. At one time it was a Category 3 storm, but it weakened and turned, so the resort just got sideswiped. We got about 2 inches of rain, a little high surf, but no really high winds. The first day of the Bisbee Black & Blue Tournament was wiped out when the harbor closed. (Several of our owners entered, but none won the big $$.)

I’ve never seen it, but I’m told the resort takes extensive precautions when a bad storm seems imminent. All the plants in pots are moved to a safe place, fans and furniture are removed from the terraces, and residents are gathered in the lobby. That’s a little more togetherness than any of us wants, I suspect.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Rental program

The resort has developed a new rental plan for full owners. The plan involves the homeowner being guaranteed a certain rental income in return for giving up certain weeks during the year. There’s no need to go into details here (as if I had them), but if you are a full owner, haven’t heard about this from the resort, and would like to know more, contact Hector at Owner Services. A similar program for fractional owners is under development.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Sales and construction update

The Fall season has begun, and there have been times recently the resort has been at 100% occupancy. (Here’s what that means: all of the units controlled by the resort are occupied; the pool can still be empty.) Current villas for sale include 12 full ownerships, 11 quarter shares, and 4 eighth shares. The heavy construction is over at El Arco next door, and most of the noise should be just a bad memory. The spa will open in the Spring.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Trust Fees

I went to Scotia Bank in the big mall to check on my trust. I met with Gustavo Tiznado Romero. This is at least the 3rd name I have heard of as being responsible for our trusts. My guess is that the people in this job turn over quickly. He is a young man, and the phone number of the person with this job seems not to change. Anyway, he was very friendly and helpful, and promised to e-mail me when my fee is due. I suppose he will do so, if he is still in that job. I think it behooves us to keep up with this on our own.

It might be a good idea to take up contact with him, if you haven’t already done so. His phone number is 624-144-3132, and his e-mail address is . If you want to drop into their office at the Puerto Paraiso mall, don’t waste your time at the tellers, just walk into the office area and ask for him.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Railings

Some of the railings in the resort are being refinished. This includes, as far as I can tell, those on the seawall along the beach and those along the edges of the terraces in Phase I. The railings are being removed and taken away for (I think it’s called) electrostatic painting, then reinstalled. They have a nice, new finish with subtle copper-colored flecks. It’s been fun watching them hoisted by rope up and down the sides of Phase I.


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: New Staff at the Pool

If you spend any time at the pool, you are sure to meet Katy Roesinger, the new Asst. Pool and Restaurant Manager at La Parrilla. You will see Katy walking around making sure the guests are OK. Feel free to greet her in German—she’ll answer!!


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: CELEBRITY IN OUR MIDST

(Story stolen shamelessly from the Gringo Gazette) One of our fellow homeowners, George Smoot, shared the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics. Congratulations, George, and I hope to meet you at the pool sometime.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Owners in Cabo, December 2006

Any owners who will be at Villa La Estancia during December, 2006, and who would like to meet and socialize with other owners, please describe your schedule as a comment to this post. Thanks!!

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