Thursday, November 09, 2006


VLE Owners Newsletter 11/09/06: Trust Fees

I went to Scotia Bank in the big mall to check on my trust. I met with Gustavo Tiznado Romero. This is at least the 3rd name I have heard of as being responsible for our trusts. My guess is that the people in this job turn over quickly. He is a young man, and the phone number of the person with this job seems not to change. Anyway, he was very friendly and helpful, and promised to e-mail me when my fee is due. I suppose he will do so, if he is still in that job. I think it behooves us to keep up with this on our own.

It might be a good idea to take up contact with him, if you haven’t already done so. His phone number is 624-144-3132, and his e-mail address is . If you want to drop into their office at the Puerto Paraiso mall, don’t waste your time at the tellers, just walk into the office area and ask for him.

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