Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Villa security

I continue to hear stories of villas being rented out, or used in other ways, without the consent of the owner. Several owners have actually caught the resort in the act, while others report that, even though they don't rent their villa, when they come down to Cabo they find things rearranged, dishes chipped and broken, etc. Evidence is pretty strong that this happens quite a bit.

I understand the resort sometimes claims that it was a mistake, but regardless I think we need to find a way to stop it. Also, I really don't think we can count on help from the resort itself, so I think we need to find a way to deter it whether the resort cooperates or not.

During my current stay in Cabo (until May 13), I have "checked on" the villas of eleven other owners I know. I simply called the villas, and, if somebody answered the phone, I tried to ascertain who the person was. In some cases, I walked by to look for evidence that the villa was occupied. In each case, I sent a brief e-mail to the villa owner describing what I found. I don't expect any owner to respond to my e-mail, but the owner might wish to follow up with the resort if their villa appears to be occupied when it should be vacant.

I would encourage all of us to "check on" a few villas like this when you are at the resort. I believe that the most significant effect of such an effort would be for the resort to learn that we owners are watching out for each other. There might be fewer mistakes.

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